Category: Food

  • Different Diets For Each Blood Type: The Blood Type Lectin-Free Diet Myth

    Different Diets For Each Blood Type: The Blood Type Lectin-Free Diet Myth

    A recent diet trend is the blood type diet. Most medical professionals have thoroughly debunked and argued against such a diet. The blood type diet regularly ranks among the top fad diets to avoid for one’s health among health experts. There are many different blood types determined by genes. Human evolution has determined the modern…

  • This Ginger Tea Recipe Has 5 Amazing Benefits

    This Ginger Tea Recipe Has 5 Amazing Benefits

    There is no perfect health super food but ginger comes pretty dang close. Ginger helps stimulate our digestion so that we don’t have abdominal pain or acid reflux that would come from slow gastric emptying. One stud found that ginger even helps deal with muscle soreness from exercising. For many, ginger helps them settle their…

  • The real truth about salt

    The real truth about salt

    The truth about salt is that not getting enough can be just as bad as having too much salt in our body. Our body cannot function without sodium. Sodium helps retain fluids while also helping with nerve impulses and muscle contraction. If we have a low level of salt then our kidneys make an attempt…