Author: a2zBiotics

  • Too Much Acid In The Stomach: What Causes Reflux And Acid Reflux Disease?

    Too Much Acid In The Stomach: What Causes Reflux And Acid Reflux Disease?

    Acid reflux happens when food and gastric juices are regurgitated back up into our esophagus. Acid reflux symptoms include heartburn, bad breath, nausea and bloating. There are a ton of different things that can cause acid reflux such as obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and physical inactivity. Pregnant woman tend to be more likely to…

  • 7 Benefits of Vitamin C

    7 Benefits of Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is a strong component that your body needs to function properly, getting the right dose of vitamin C can help your health in many ways. There are seven ways that it can help, but first, it is used to boost your immune system. Your immune system is your first line of defense against…

  • Ozone Therapy: A Powerful Cancer Treatment

    Ozone Therapy: A Powerful Cancer Treatment

    Ozone therapy has been used all over the world for decades. Nicholas Tesla made an ozone generator in 1896. During World War I, doctors used ozone in wounds because of their antibacterial benefits. German doctors used ozone in the 1980’s to treat HIV successfully. It is still used in Germany by over 80% of doctors…